Premio Windhammer

Todos los librojuegos tiene algo que los hace especiales: Charla sobre tus colecciones favoritas y descubre otras nuevas. Brujería, La Búsqueda del Grial, AD&D, Crónicas Cretenses...
Mensajes: 381
Registrado: 17-Abr-2006, 18:01

Premio Windhammer

Mensaje por Ladril »

Les comparto esta informaciòn que espero sea de su interès.

Hi all, is proud to announce the commencement of the inaugural Windhammer
Prize for Short Gamebook Fiction. This prize has been created as a means to
promote the gamebook genre, and provide authors of gamebook fiction with an
opportunity to showcase their work in a competitive setting.

The Windhammer Prize is open to all gamebook authors and requires no entry fee
or or other costs. Sponsored by it features a cash prize, a framed
winner's certificate and two years hosting of the winning entry at the
Windhammer Prize webpage. Entry requirements and further contest information
can be found at . Any questions
regarding this competition can be forwarded through the email address provided
at the contest webpage.

If you have an interest in writing gamebooks and would like to take part please
read carefully the information given at the address above before submitting an

Wayne Densley
Chronicles of Arborell